Feeling 'on top of it all' when it comes to those household chores can sometimes feel unreachable. We have compiled some tips that we think can help you on the way to domestic bliss and combined with our services your life can sparkle every month of the year. Speak to us today about how to get the most from your cleaning service and home - no hassle!
  • House never fully deep cleaned? Designate one month per year to a spring clean, room by room which helps to break it up and its easier maintenance until the following year. 
  • Fed up of quick limescale build up? Spray white vinegar solution on shower screens & taps after use to prevent the build up of deposits between the weekly clean.
  • Bits in the carpet and losing suction? Keeping your hoover maintained and unclogged makes a huge difference in pro-longing its life, re-fluffing your rugs and saving your pennies! 
  • Overwhelmed? Writing down a cleaning plan can help to separate up the chores and leave you feeling accomplished once it is all ticked off!
  • Crusty microwave overdue a scrub? Steam a bowl of white vinegar & water solution on max power to soften muck and more than halve the effort needed for this dreaded chore.
  • Tiles looking smeared or dull after being cleaned? Spray them down with glass/window cleaner and buff with a soft microfiber cloth - gleaming! 
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